LUC was commissioned in June 2022 to develop the Natural Environment Evidence for Herefordshire Council, to support the delivery of the new Local Plan, providing a framework to guide sustainable development. The Herefordshire GBI Strategy forms a component of this work and addresses the need for a unified approach to GBI across the county. The other workstreams forming part of the Natural Environment Evidence include the Herefordshire County Landscape Character Assessment, Herefordshire Open Space Assessment as well as data analysis and mapping of Habitat and Species. This Strategy plays a key role in tying together the findings and conclusions of these three other studies. Green and Blue Infrastructure provides a network of multifunctional green and blue spaces delivering a range of benefits for people, wildlife and the environment. This strategy sets out the existing GI assets across Herefordshire, and identifies strategic corridors for enhancing the provision of GBI and delivery of a connected network of green and blue spaces.